COSMIN database of systematic reviews of outcome measurement instruments
The COSMIN initiative aims to improve the selection of outcome measurement instruments for research and clinical practice by developing methodology and practical tools for selecting the most suitable outcome measurement instrument. As part of this initiative, COSMIN systematically collects systematic reviews of outcome measurement instruments. Such systematic reviews are important tools for the selection of outcome measurement instruments for research and clinical practice and for identifying gaps in knowledge on the quality measurement properties of outcome measurement instruments.
The COSMIN database of systematic reviews is now connected to the PROQOLID database of measurement instruments.
A systematic review is included in this database when it fulfills the following criteria:
- The review should be a systematic review (i.e. a search in at least one electronic database was performed);
- The aim of the review should be to identify all outcome measurement instruments of interest and to summarize the evidence on their measurement properties;
- The construct of interest of the review should be (aspects of) health status, defined as (a) biological and physiological processes, OR (b) symptoms, OR (c) physical functioning, OR (d) social/psychological functioning, OR (e) general health perceptions, OR (f) health-related quality of life (based on the model of Wilson & Cleary, JAMA 1995);
- The population of included studies should contain humans (patients or general population);
- The instruments of interest should be outcome measurement instruments, defined as instruments which can be/are applied in longitudinal studies to monitor changes in health over time (the outcome measure is the dependent variable);
- The review should evaluate and report on at least one or more measurement properties of the included instruments.
Please, visit the COSMIN website for more information about (the methodology of) systematic reviews of outcome measurement instruments and a manual for using this COSMIN database of systematic reviews.
We are grateful to ZonMw for their support to develop this website (project number 29385041), and MAPI Research Trust for their yearly support to update and maintain the COSMIN database of systematic reviews.
Unfortunately, due to lack of resources, we are currently not able to update the COSMIN database. The last update was in March 2024.