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Systematic review and critical appraisal of child abuse measurement instruments
Saini, S. M., Hoffmann, C. R., Pantelis, C., Everall, I. P., and Bousman, C. A.
Child abuse is a major public health concern and a strong predictor of adult psychopathology. However, a consensus on how best to measure child abuse is not evident. This review aimed to critically appraise the methodological quality and measurement properties of published child abuse measures, examined the strength of evidence of these instruments for research use using the COnsensus-based Standards for the selection of health Measurement InstrumeNts (COSMIN) checklist and determined which measures were capable of providing information on the developmental timing of abuse. Systematic search of electronic databases identified 52 eligible instruments from 2095 studies. Only 15% (n=8) of the instruments had strong to moderate levels of evidence for three or more of the nine COSMIN criteria. No instrument had adequate levels of evidence for all criteria, and no criteria were met by all instruments. Our results indicate there is no single instrument that is superior to all others across settings and populations. The availability of measures capable of capturing the effects of child abuse on brain development and associated behavioral phenotypes are limited. Refined instruments with a focus on capturing abuse events during development are warranted in addition to further evaluation of the psychometric properties of these instruments.
Psychiatry Res
Publication year:
Biological and physiological variables:
Biological and physiological variables
Symptom status:
Cognitive/mental state Emotional state Physical state
Functional status:
Cognitive/mental functioning
Adults (18-65) Children (0-18)
Codes for special purposes Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified
PRO / non-PRO:
Non-patient Reported Outcome Patient Reported Outcome
Type of measurement instrument:
1 - Questionnaires 2 - Interviews 6 - Clinical rating scales
ACE - Adverse Childhood Experiences ADQ - Anatomical Doll Questionnaire AEII - Assessing Environments III AH - Abuse History ASES - Abusive Sexual Exposure Scale BCAS - Binghamton Childhood Abuse Screen BPSAQ - Brief Physical and Sexual Abuse Questionnaire CAMI - Computer Assisted Maltreatment Inventory CANIS-R - Child Abuse and Neglect Interview Schedule-Revised CAQ - Childhood Adversity Questionnaire CAT - Child Abuse and Trauma Scale CCMI - Comprehensive Childhood Maltreatment Inventory CCMS-A - Comprehensive Child Maltreatment Scales for Adults CCMS-P - Comprehensive Child Maltreatment Scales for Parents CECA - Childhood Experience of Care and Abuse CECA-Q - Childhood Experience of Care and Abuse-Q CEQ - Childhood Experiences Questionnaire (versions: CEQ-58) CEVQ - Childhood Experiences of Violence Questionnaire CHUSE - Childhood Unwanted Sexual Events CMHSR - Child Maltreatment History Self-Report CTI - Childhood Trauma Interview CTQ - Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (versions: CTQ-SF) CVS - Childhood Violence Scale DI - Developmental Interview EHEI - Early Home Environment Interview ETI - Early Trauma Inventory ETI-SR - Early Trauma Inventory - Self Report FAST - Family Aggression Screening Tool FEI - Family Experiences Interview FEQ - Family Experiences Questionnaire HPSAQ - History of Physical and Sexual Abuse Questionnaire ICAST-C - ISPCAN Child Abuse Screening Tools - Children's version ICAST-R - ISPCAN Child Abuse Screening Tools Retrospective version LEQ - Life Experience Questionnaire LTVH - Lifetime Trauma and Victimization History MACE - Abuse Chronology of Exposure Scale PMI - Psychological Maltreatment Inventory RATE - Retrospective Assessment of Traumatic Experience RFPQ - Retrospective Family Pathology Questionnaire RSEQ - Retrospective Separation Experience Questionnaire SAEQ - Sexual Life Events Inventory SEQev - Sexual Abuse Questionnaire SEQex - Sexual Experience Questionnaire SLEI - Sexual Life Events Inventory SPAQ - Sexual and Physical Abuse Questionnaire STI - Structured Trauma Interview TAI - Traumatic Antecedents Interview TEC - Traumatic Experience Checklist TEQ - Traumatic Experiences Questionnaire TES - Traumatic Event Scale (versions: CTES - Childhood TES; TES-B)