A review of health-related quality-of-life measures in stroke
- Authors:
- Golomb, B. A., Vickrey, B. G., and Hays, R. D.
- Abstract:
- The objective of this review was to evaluate health-related quality of life (HR-QOL) measures for use with patients with stroke. HR-QOL measures are increasingly used for assessment in many health conditions; these measures may serve an important role in evaluating the impact of stroke and of stroke interventions. HR-QOL measures used in patients with stroke should: (i) cover the domains of HR-QOL that may be affected by stroke; (ii) have administration characteristics suitable for use in patients with stroke; and (iii) have undergone reliability and validity assessment in patients with stroke. The present study evaluates HR-QOL measures with reference to these requirements. A systematic literature review was conducted to identify and evaluate HR-QOL measures of potential use in studies of patients with stroke. Identified measures were assessed with regard to stroke-relevant domains covered, measure characteristics (e.g. self-administration versus administration by an interviewer, interviewer time to complete) and psychometric properties of reliability and validity. The measures evaluated vary widely on domains covered, and limited assessment of the performance of HR-QOL measures has been conducted in patients with stroke. No existing measure comprehensively covers all relevant domains or addresses fully the issues of obtaining and combining HR-QOL assessments in patients and proxies in many stroke populations. Additional psychometric testing in stroke populations is needed for existing HR-QOL measures. In addition, stroke-targeted HR-QOL measures need to be developed and evaluated with patients with stroke.
- DOI:
- URL:
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11284381
- Journal:
- Pharmacoeconomics
- issn:
- 1170-7690 (Print)
- Publication year:
- 2001
- pages:
- 155-85
- Symptom status:
- Emotional state
Physical state - Functional status:
- Cognitive/mental functioning
Physical functioning
Role functioning
Social functioning - General health perceptions / HRQoL:
- Health-related quality of life
Self-rated health - Overall quality of life:
- Overall quality of life
- Age:
- Adults (18-65)
Seniors (65+) - Disease:
- Diseases of and symptoms related to the circulatory system
- PRO / non-PRO:
- Non-patient Reported Outcome
Patient Reported Outcome - Type of measurement instrument:
- 1 - Questionnaires
2 - Interviews
5 - Videos
6 - Clinical rating scales
9 - Laboratory tests - Instrument:
- BDI - Beck Depression Inventory (versions: mBDI; BDI-Y; BDI-SF)
BHS - Beck Hopelessness Scale
BI - Barthel Index (versions: MBI - modified BI; Extended BI with Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients; iv-BI - Dutch interview version)|
CES-D - Centre for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression Scale (versions: CES-D-R; CES-D-8; CES-D 9; CES-D-10; CES-D-11; CES-D-13; CES-D-15; CES-D-20; CES-D-Children; CES-D-SF; CES-D m)|
COOP/WONCA charts - COOP/WONCA Functional Healh assessment charts|
EQ-5D - EuroQoL-5 Dimensions (versions: EQ5D-VAS; Patient-Reported Health Score; EQ-5D-Pso - EQ-5D-Psoriasis)
FAC - Functional Ambulation Classification / Category
FAI - Frenchay Activities Index
FIM - Functional Independence Measure (versions: FIMm; FIM observation; FIM phone; Motor FIM; SV Motor FIM)
GDS - Geriatric Depression Scale (versions: GDS-SF; GDS-5; GDS-15; GDS-30; GDS-12 R - GDS-12 Recidential)|
GHQ - General Health Questionnaire (versions: original = GHQ-60; GHQ-7; GHQ-12; GHQ-20; GHQ-28; GHQW-30; GHQ-36)
HADS - Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale|
HAM-D - Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression [alias: HAMD; HDRS; HRSD] (versions: HAM-D6; HAM-D17)|
HUI-2 - Health Utilities Index Mark 2
HUI-3 - Health Utilities Index-Mark 3
HUI - Health Utilities Index
Katz ADL - Katz’ Index Of Independence In Activities Of Daily Living (versions: KATZ-1; KATZ-2; other modifications)|
MAAC - Multiple Affect Adjective Checklist
MADRS - Montgomery-Åsberg Depression Rating Scale (versions: MADRS-Self report)
NHP - Nottingham Health Profile|
NRS - Neurobehavioral Rating Scale
PSE - Present State Exam
QLI 3.0 - Quality of Life Index 3.0
QLI-Stroke - Quality of Life Index-Stroke
QWB - Quality of Well-Being Scale (QWB-IA - QWB-interview-Administered)
RAP - Rehabilitation Activities Profile
RICFAS - Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago Functional Assessment Scale
RNL - Reintegration to Normal Living Index (alias RNLI)
SCL-90-R - Symptom Checklist 90-Revised
SDS - Zung Self-rating Depression Scale (also: ZSDS ; versions: mZSDS)
SF-20 - MOS short-form general health survey 20 item
SF-36 - 36-item Short Form Health Survey [alias: RAND-36][alias: MOS SF-36]] (versions: VSF-36 LoA - Visual Version of the SF-36 Limitations of Physical Activities domain; VR-36 - Veterans SF-36)|
| also see: database.cosmin.nl
SIP - Sickness Impact Profile (versions: SIP-8; SIP-68; SIP-136; SIP-SV; UKSIP; SIP/ALS-19)|
Stroke TyPE - Stroke Technology of Patient Experience
WDI - Wakefield Self-Assessment Depression Inventory