Fatigue in community-dwelling older adults: A review of definitions, measures, and related factors
Su, Y., Cochrane, B. B., Yu, S. Y., Reding, K., Herting, J. R., and Zaslavsky, O.
Fatigue is a common age-related symptom among community-dwelling adults aged 65 years and older. Yet, a systematic approach has rarely been applied to review definitions, measures, related factors, and consequences of fatigue in this population. A scoping review was conducted in December 2020 to fill the gap, and 36 articles met the inclusion criteria. Definitions, albeit diverse, included at least one of the following attributes: an early indicator of disablement, subjective, a lack of energy, multidimensional, impaired daily activities, and temporal. A summary of fatigue measures used in this population was provided, including a brief overview, number of items, reliability, and validity. In general, different measures were used with considerable variability in the content. Additionally, most measures had limited information on test-retest reliability and validity. Fatigue-related factors mapped into biological, psychological, social, and behavioral factors. Fatigue consequences were primarily declines in physical and cognitive functions. (100-150 words).