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Quality of mobility measures among individuals with acquired brain injury: an umbrella review
Alhasani, R., Auger, C., Paiva Azevedo, M., and Ahmed, S.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: While several mobility measures exist, there is large variability across measures in how mobility is conceptualized, the source of information and the measurement properties making it challenging to select relevant mobility measures for individuals with acquired brain injury (ABI). Therefore, the objective was to conduct a comprehensive synthesis of existing evidence on the measurement properties, the interpretability and the feasibility of mobility measures from various sources of information (patients, clinicians, technology) using an umbrella review of published systematic reviews among individuals with ABI. METHODS: Ovid MEDLINE, CINHAL, Cochrane Library and EMBASE electronic databases were searched from 2000 to March 2020. Two independent reviewers appraised the methodological quality of the systematic reviews using the Joanna Briggs Institute critical appraisal checklist. Measurement properties and quality of evidence were applied according to COnsensus-based Standards for the Selection of Health Measurement Instrument (COSMIN) guidelines. Mobility measures were categorized using international standards with the international classification of functioning, disability and health (ICF). RESULTS: Thirty-five systematic reviews were included covering 147 mobility measures, of which 85% were mapped to the ICF Activity and Participation component. Results showed an acceptable overall "sufficient" rating for reliability, construct validity and responsiveness for 132 (90%), 127 (86%) and 76 (52%) of the measures, respectively; however, among these measures, ≤ 25% of the methods for evaluating these properties were rated as 'high' quality of evidence. Also, there was limited information that supports measure feasibility and scoring interpretability. CONCLUSIONS: Future systematic reviews should report measures' content validity to support the use of the measure in clinical care and research. More evaluations of the minimal important difference and floor and ceiling effects are needed to help guide clinical interpretation. REGISTRATION INFORMATION: International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO); ID: CRD42018100068.
Qual Life Res
0962-9343 (Print)
Publication year:
Biological and physiological variables:
Biological and physiological variables
Symptom status:
Cognitive/mental state Emotional state Physical state
Functional status:
Cognitive/mental functioning Physical functioning
General health perceptions / HRQoL:
Health-related quality of life
Adults (18-65) Seniors (65+)
Diseases of and symptoms related to the nervous system Injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes
PRO / non-PRO:
Non-patient Reported Outcome Patient Reported Outcome
Type of measurement instrument:
1 - Questionnaires 2 - Interviews 3 - Diaries 4 - Performance-based tests 6 - Clinical rating scales 7 - Observations
10MWT - 10 Meter Walk Test (versions: 10MWT under single- and dual-task condition) | 3DGA - 3 Dimensional Gait Analysis 6MWT - 6 Minute Walk Test (versions: 6MWT app; 6MWT Lite app; M6MWT - Modified 6MWT; 6mWTPC - 6MWT on parquet and carpet) | | also see: AAUT - Actual Amount of Use Test ABILHAND (versions: ABILHAND-ULA) Accelerometry [alias: accelerometer] (versions: AM accelerometer - Ambulatory Monitoring; Biaxial; Caltrac; triaxial; RT3; Cervical accelerometry; Smartphone version; AX3; Axivity; MOX Accelerometry; GT1M; Actical) ACS - Activity Card Sort (versions: AYA-ACS - Adolscents and Young Adults ACS; PACS - Paediatric ACS; PACS - Preschool ACS) | Actical AM - Actical activity monitor (versions: triaxial AMs) Actigraphy (versions: Actigraph GT3X; ActiGraph GT1M; Actilog; ActiGraph GT9X; Motionlogger Watch; Move 3 Actigraphs; AMA-32; Actiheart; uniaxial ActiGraph) Actiwatch (versions: Spectrum; AW 2 - Actiwatch 2; AW 4) ADL Scale - Activities of Daily Living Scale AMAT - Arm Motor Ability Test (versions: AMAT-9) AMPS - Assessment of Motor and Process Skills | ARAT - Action Research Arm Test (versions: ARAT-SV-VR - ARAT-SV-Virtual Reality) | BASSP - Balance Assessment in Sitting and Standing Positions BBA - Brunel Balance Assessment BBS - Berg Balance Scale (versions: BBS-3Points; SFBBS; Short BBS) | BBT - Box and Block Test (versions: BBT in VR) BDI - Beck Depression Inventory (versions: mBDI; BDI-Y; BDI-SF) BESTest - Balance Evaluation Systems Test (versions: Brief BESTest; MB - Mini BESTest; Kids-BESTest) BI - Barthel Index (versions: MBI - modified BI; Extended BI with Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients; iv-BI - Dutch interview version) | BICRO - Brain Injury Community Rehabilitation Outcome Scales (versions: BICRO-39) CAHAI - Chedoke Arm and Hand Activity Inventory CB&MS - Community Balance and Mobility Scale [alias: CBMS - Community Balance and Mobility Scale] (versons: s-CB&MS - shortened CB&MS; CB&MS-home) CES-D - Centre for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression Scale (versions: CES-D-R; CES-D-8; CES-D 9; CES-D-10; CES-D-11; CES-D-13; CES-D-15; CES-D-20; CES-D-Children; CES-D-SF; CES-D m) | CMSA - Chedoke-McMaster Stroke Assessment Coded activity diary COPM - Canadian Occupational Performance Measure | CSQ - Climbing Stairs Questionnaire CWT - Comfortable Walk Test (versions: 3M; 4M; 5M; 6M; 7M; 8M; 10M; 12M; 30Metre) DASH - Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (versions: DASH Modified; M2-DASH - Manchester modified DASH) DGI - Dynamic Gait Index (versions: DGI-4 or 4DGI) DHI - Duruoz Hand Index Distance Walk Test (alias: Distance SPWT - Self Paced Walk Test) (versions: 4m; 5m, 6m; 8m; 10m; 12m; 13m; 20m; 30m; 8ft; 50 foot; 30m; 40m; 80ft; 300m; 400m; 800m; 1/2 mile; 1 mile; 2 km) EFAP - Emory Functional Ambulation Profile (versions: mEFAP) EQ-5D - EuroQoL-5 Dimensions (versions: EQ5D-VAS; Patient-Reported Health Score; EQ-5D-Pso - EQ-5D-Psoriasis) FAABOS - Functional Arm Activity Behavioural Observation System FAC - Functional Ambulation Classification / Category FACHS - Functional Ambulation Classification Hospital Sagunto FAI - Frenchay Activities Index FAT - Frenchay Arm Test (versions: mFAT) FGA - Functional Gait Assessment FIM - Functional Independence Measure (versions: FIMm; FIM observation; FIM phone; Motor FIM; SV Motor FIM) FIST - Function In Sitting Test Fitbit (versions: Charge HR; Ulta; FitBit One; FitBit Zip) Fitts Reaching test FMA - Fugl-Meyer Motor Assessment (versions: S-FA; FMA-Proprioception; FMA-UE - FMA Upper Extremity; FMA-LE - FMA-Lower Extremity) | FRT - Functional Reach Test / Frontal Reach Test (versions: mFRT; Backward/Forward FRT; FLRT - Functional and Lateral Reach Test) | FS - Footswitch System (versions: Stride analyzer; SoleSound; SMTEC) FSST - Four Square StepTest (versions: mFSST) FTHUE - Functional Test for the Hemiplegic Upper Extremity FTT - Finger Tapping Test GDS - Geriatric Depression Scale (versions: GDS-SF; GDS-5; GDS-15; GDS-30; GDS-12 R - GDS-12 Recidential) | Grip strength (versions: Test of toe grip strength) Grooved Pegboard Test GRT - Grasp and Release Test HAP - Human Activity Profile HFS - Hand Function Survey HiMAT - High Level Mobility Assessment Tool ICF-AM - International classification of functioning, health and disability-Activity measure IDEEA - Intelligent Device for Energy Expenditure and Activity system JTHFT - Jebsen Taylor Hand Function Test (versions: MJTHFT) [alias: JTT] | LHS - London Handicap Scale | LIFE-H - Assessment of Life Habits MAL - Motor Activity Log (versions: MAL-5; MAL-14; MAL-26; MAL-28; UE-MAL - Upper-Extremity MAL; LE-MAL - Lower-Extremity MAL; MAL-12 - Reduced UE-MAL; IMAL - Infant MAL) MARCA - Multimedia Activity Recall for Children and Adolescents MAS - Modified Ashworth Scale (versions: MMAS - Modified, Modified AS) | MAS - Motor Assessment Scale (versions: UL-MAS - Upper Limb MAS) MESUPE - Motor Evaluation Scale for Upper Extremity (versions: MESUPES - in Stroke Patients) MFT - Manual Function Test MI - Motricity Index MMSE - Mini-Mental State Examination (versions: MMSE-illiterate; telephone MMSE; VCB-MMSE - Videoconference-based-MMSE; MMSE-2; Modified MMSE) Motor Free Visual Perception Test MPAI - Mayo-Portland Adaptability Inventory (versions: MPAI-4; MPAI second edition; M2PI - Participation Index of MPAI) MSS - Motor Status Scale N-ADL -Nottingham Extended ADL index NCSE - Neurobehavioural Cognitive Status Examination NHPT - Nine-Hole Peg Test | NIHSS - National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale | NLA - Nottingham leisure activity OPTIMAL - Outpatient Physical Therapy Improvement in Movement Assessment Log OSS - Ottawa Sitting Scale PAS - Physical Ability Scale PASS - Postural Assessment Scale for Stroke patients (versions: PASS-TC - PASS-Trunk Control; SFPASS; 6SFPASS; PASS-3Points) PCBSS- Postural Control and Balance for Stroke Scale Pedometer (versions: Omron HJ-329; Yamax Digiwalker) PTF - Pens taped to feet QIF - Quadriplegia Index of Function (versions: QIF-SF) RHS - Rankin Handicap scale (versions: mRHS) RMA - Rivermead Motor Assessment (also: Rivermead Mobility Assessment) RMI - Rivermead Mobility Index (versions: mRMI) | RNL - Reintegration to Normal Living Index (alias RNLI) SAL - Stroke Arm Ladder SAM - Step-Watch Activity Monitor (2D accelerometer) (versions: Stepwatch 2; Stepwatch 3; Stepwatch 4; PAMSys; PAMSys-XTM sensors) SAS - Stride analyzer system SBM - Smart Balance Master Sensewear Pro 3 Armband SF-36 - 36-item Short Form Health Survey [alias: RAND-36][alias: MOS SF-36]] (versions: VSF-36 LoA - Visual Version of the SF-36 Limitations of Physical Activities domain; VR-36 - Veterans SF-36) | | also see: SHT - Sollerman Hand Function Test (alias SHFT) SIP - Sickness Impact Profile (versions: SIP-8; SIP-68; SIP-136; SIP-SV; UKSIP; SIP/ALS-19) | SIS - Stroke Impact Scale (versions: SIS 3.0; SIS-16) SmartShoe SMES - Sodring motor evaluation for stroke patients SRT - Sitting-Rising Test SSQOL - Stroke-Specific Quality of Life scale (versions: SS-QoL short version) Step test (versions: FSST - 4 square step test; mFSST) STREAM - Stroke Rehabilitation Assessment of Movement (versions S-STREAM - simplified STREAM) STS - Sit-to-stand test (versions: 5STS or STS-5; 5times STS/FTSTS; 20sSTS; 30sSTS; 60sSTS; STST1 - 1 min STS; 2minSTS; 3minSTS; 10times STS or STS-10; STS-60; STS-30) SWLS - Satisfaction With Life Scale TCT - Trunk Control Test Technology-based outcomes TIS - Trunk Impairment Scale (two different scales; one scale developed by Verheyden et al 2004; one scale developed by Fujiwara et al. 2004 ) | TRS - Trunk Recovery Scale TUG - Timed Up and Go test (versions: TUG 3m) | TWT - Timed Walk Test (versions: 10m TWT; 5MinWT; 10MinWT; wheelchair) UBDS - Upper Body Dressing Scale UEFI -Upper Extremity Functional Index UEPTE - Upper Extremity Performance Test for the Elderly [alias: TEMPA - Test d’Evaluation des Membres Supérieurs de Personnes Agées] Van Lieshout Test Short Form WMFT - Wolf Motor Function Test (versions: S-WMFT)