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Psychological Tests in Arabic: A Review of Methodological Practices and Recommendations for Future Use
Zeinoun, P., Iliescu, D., and El Hakim, R.
Mental health research among Arabic speakers is increasing, and with it the need to assess psychopathology of Arabic-speaking populations, including natives, refugees, and immigrants. However, major challenges include the unavailability of appropriate Arabic tools, and the difficulty of judging whether available tools are appropriate. Critical judgment of psychometric tools is important, because they are used for high stake decisions such as clinical outcomes and diagnoses. We identified Arabic-language tests that measure constructs related to mental illness and health, critically analyzed their methodologies, and provided broad recommendations for future research. We conducted a systematic search query using four online databases and followed step-wise exclusions. We identified 115 articles published between January 1998 and August 2019 which produced 138 Arabic tests to screen or diagnose or plan treatment for psychological disorders. More than 80% of tests were translated or adapted from English using methods that are not comparable with the latest standards. Methods of establishing validity, reliability, and equivalence, were also limited, with one quarter not reporting reliability, and the majority using only one source of validity evidence. There is much room for improvement when making decisions about translation or adaptation designs, as well as conducting and reporting psychometric evidence.
Neuropsychol Rev
Publication year:
Symptom status:
Cognitive/mental state Emotional state
Functional status:
Cognitive/mental functioning
Adults (18-65) Children (0-18) Seniors (65+)
Mental and behavioural disorders and related symptoms
PRO / non-PRO:
Non-patient Reported Outcome Patient Reported Outcome
Type of measurement instrument:
1 - Questionnaires
AD-8 - Alzheimer's Disease 8-item Questionnaire ADAS - Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale (versions: ADAS-cog; ADAS-Noncog; VCB-ADAS) Adolescent/Adult Sensory Profile ALST - Arabic Language Screening Test APRS - Academic Performance Rating Scale ART - Arabic Reading Test ASMH - Arabic Scale of Mental Health ASQ - Ages and Stages Questionnaire (versions: ASQ-3) AUDIT - Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (versions: AUDIT-3; AUDIT-C - AUDIT-Consumption) AYMHS - Arab Youth Mental Health Scale BAT - Bilingual Aphasia Test BDI - Beck Depression Inventory (versions: mBDI; BDI-Y; BDI-SF) BDI-II - Beck Depression Inventory-II BENCI - Battery for Neuropsychological Evaluation of Children BNT - Boston Naming Test (versions: BNT-15) BOTMP - Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency (versions: BOTMP-2; BOTMP-SF; BOTMP-LF; BOT; BOT2; BOT2-SF) BVMT - Brief Visuospatial Memory Test - (versions: BVMT-DR - Revised Delayed Recall; BVMT-R; BVMT-TL - BVMT-Total Learning) CAARMS - Comprehensive Assessment of At Risk Mental States CAPI - Child Abuse Potential Inventory CARS - Childhood Autism Rating Scale (versions: CARS2; CARS2-ST - CARS2-Standard Versions; CARS2-HF - CARS2-High Functioning) CBCL - Child Behavior Checklist (versions: CBCL-2; CBCL-3; CBCL-ADHD; CBCL-teacher rated; CBCL-Y - CBCL Youth; CBCL/6-18) | CDI - Children's Depression Inventory (versions: SCDI; CDI-SF) CDS - Calgary Depression Scale (versions: CDSS - CDS for Schizophrenia) CDS - Cardiac Depression Scale (versions: sf-CDS) CDT - Clock Drawing Test/Task CERAD- Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer’s Disease (versions: CERAD Neuropsychological test battery) CERAD Word List Learning, Recall, and Recognition Tests CES-D - Centre for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression Scale (versions: CES-D-R; CES-D-8; CES-D 9; CES-D-10; CES-D-11; CES-D-13; CES-D-15; CES-D-20; CES-D-Children; CES-D-SF; CES-D m) | CIUS - Compulsive Internet Use Scale CLNT - Cross-Linguistic Naming Test Constructional Praxis Copy and Constructional Praxis Recall Tests DAB - Diagnostic Aphasia Battery (versions: DAB-1) DASS - Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (Versions: DASS-42 and DASS-21) DAWBA - Development and Well-Being Assessment (versions: DAWBA-teacher rated) DCS - Depressive Cognition Scale DDST - Denver Developmental Screening Tests DS test - Digit Span test (versions: Visual aural DS test; FDS - Forward DS test; BDS - Backward DS) DUDIT - Drug Use Disorders Identification Test EAPLT - Egyptian Arabic Pragmatic Language Test FANS - Factorial Arabic Neuroticism Scale FPT - Five-Point test of design fluency (FPT or 5-PT) FTCD - Fagerstrom Test for Cigarette Dependence FT - Fluency Tests (versions: CFT - Category FT; Ruff figural FT; Phonemic verbal FT; Semantic verbal FT; Category FT) GAS - Geriatric Anxiety Scale GDS - Geriatric Depression Scale (versions: GDS-SF; GDS-5; GDS-15; GDS-30; GDS-12 R - GDS-12 Recidential) | GMHAT - Global Mental Health Assessment Tool (versions: GMHAT-PC - GMHAT-Primary Care) GPPT - Group Personality Projective Test HADS - Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale | HAM-D - Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression [alias: HAMD; HDRS; HRSD] (versions: HAM-D6; HAM-D17) | HAT - Handwriting Assessment for Elementary School Students HTQ - Harvard Trauma Questionnaire IGDS - Internet Gaming Disorder Scale (versions: IGDS-9-SF; IGDS-20) InterSePT - International Suicide Prevention Trial ISST - International Scale for Suicidal Thinking ITSP - Infant/Toddler Sensory Profile (versions: ITSP-parental report) KUAS - Kuwait University Anxiety Scale LWDS - Lebanon Waterpipe Dependence Scale (versions: LWDS-11) MAAT - Mansoura Arabic Articulation Test Maziak Waterpipe Smoking Questionnaire MDI - Major Depression Inventory | MFQ - Mood and Feelings Questionnaire (versions: SMFQ - Short MFQ) MIA - Metamemory in Adulthood Questionnaire MMMS - Modified Mini Mental Status (also 3MS) MMSE - Mini-Mental State Examination (versions: MMSE-illiterate; telephone MMSE; VCB-MMSE - Videoconference-based-MMSE; MMSE-2; Modified MMSE) MOCA - Montreal Cognitive Assessment (versions: MOCA-B - MOCA-Basic; T-MOCA - Telephone MOCA; T-MOCA-Short)
MPAI - Mayo-Portland Adaptability Inventory (versions: MPAI-4; MPAI second edition; M2PI - Participation Index of MPAI) OANB - Object and Action Naming Battery OBQ - Obsessive Compulsive Beliefs Questionnaire (versions: OBQ-44) Oregan Project Skills Inventory PANSS - Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale for Schizophrenia(modified) PCL- PTSD Checklist (versions: PCL-C - Civilian Version; PTSD-M - Military Version; unspecified; PCL-5 - PCL for DSM-5) PDS - Post-Traumatic Diagnostic Scale PHQ - Patient Health Questionnaire (versions: PHQ-2; PHQ-4; PHQ-8; PHQ-9; PHQ-9 short; aPHQ-9; PHQ-A; PHQ-22; PHQ-8; PHQ-15) PID-5 - Personality Inventory for DSM-5 QIDS-SR - Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology (versions: QIDS-SR16; QIDS-2) RAVLT - Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test RDAS - Revised Death Anxiety Scale Rey Figure Test R-PDQ - Revised Denver Pre-screening Developmental Questionnaire RUDAS - Rowland Universal Dementia Assessment Scale SASCCS - Self-assessment scale of cognitive complaints in schizophrenia
SCWT - Stroop Color-Word Test SDQ - Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (versions: SDQ Children and Adolescents; SDQ Youth) SDS - Zung Self-rating Depression Scale (also: ZSDS ; versions: mZSDS) SIQ - Reynolds Suicide Ideation Questionnaire SPQ - Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire TACL - Test for Auditory Comprehension of Language (versions: TACL-R) TMT - Trail Making Test (versions: ETMT - Expanded TMT; TMT-B) TONI - Test of Non-Verbal Intelligence (verisons: TONI-3) TT - Token Test (versions: TT-R; TT-C) University of Jordan Word Recognition Test WAIS - Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (also: WIS-A) (versions: WAIS-I; WAIS-II; WAIS-III; WAIS-IV; SF4-WAIS-IV; WAIS-R; WAIS-SF) WASI - Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence WCST - Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (versions: WCST-abbreviated; mWCST - modified WCST) WTQ - Waterpipe Tolerance Questionnaire Y-BOCS - Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (versions: Y-BOCS for body Dysmorphic Disorder; PG-YBOCS - Pathological Gambling YBOCS)