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Patient-Reported Outcome Measures Used in Temporomandibular Disorders: A Review of the Literature
Taimeh, D., Ni Riordain, R., Fedele, S., and Leeson, R.
AIMS: To identify the range of patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) used in TMD studies, summarize the available evidence for their psychometric properties, and provide guidance for the selection of such measures. METHODS: A comprehensive search was conducted to retrieve articles published between 2009 and 2018 containing a patient-reported measure of the effects of TMDs. Three databases were searched: MEDLINE, Embase, and Web of Science. RESULTS: A total of 517 articles containing at least one PROM were included in the review, and 57 additional studies were also located describing the psychometric properties of some tools in a TMD population. A total of 106 PROMs were identified and fell into the following categories: PROMs describing the severity of symptoms; PROMs describing psychologic status; and PROMs describing quality of life and general health. The most commonly used PROM was the visual analog scale. However, a wide range of verbal descriptors was employed. The Oral Health Impact Profile-14 and Beck Depression Inventory were the most commonly used PROMs describing the effect of TMDs on quality of life and psychologic status, respectively. Additionally, the Oral Health Impact Profile (various versions) and the Research Diagnostic Criteria Axis ll questionnaires were the instruments most repeatedly tested in a TMD population, and these instruments have undergone cross-cultural validation in several languages. CONCLUSION: A wide range of PROMs have been used to describe the impact of TMDs on patients. Such variability may limit the ability of researchers and clinicians to evaluate the efficacy of different treatments and make meaningful comparisons.
J Oral Facial Pain Headache
Publication year:
Symptom status:
Cognitive/mental state Emotional state Physical state
General health perceptions / HRQoL:
Health-related quality of life Self-rated health
Adults (18-65) Children (0-18) Seniors (65+)
Diseases of and symptoms related to the ear and mastoid process Diseases of and symptoms related to the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue
PRO / non-PRO:
Patient Reported Outcome
Type of measurement instrument:
1 - Questionnaires
Adjectival Scale Symptom Questionnaire BAI - Beck Anxiety Inventory (versions: BAI-Youth) Battery for Health Improvement BDI - Beck Depression Inventory (versions: mBDI; BDI-Y; BDI-SF) BPI - Brief Pain Inventory (versions: BPI-sf; mBPI; mBPI-SF; BPI-PR - BPI-Proxy Report; mBPI-Proxy; BPI-DPN - BPI-Diabetic Painful Neuropathy; BPI-20) BRS - Behavioral Rating Scale BSI - Brief Symptom Inventory (versions: BSI-6; BSI-18; BSI-53) CASA - Classification Algorithm of Suicide Assessment (versions: C-CASA - Columbia-CASA) CAS - Colour Analog Scale Centrality of Pain Scale CES-D - Centre for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression Scale (versions: CES-D-R; CES-D-8; CES-D 9; CES-D-10; CES-D-11; CES-D-13; CES-D-15; CES-D-20; CES-D-Children; CES-D-SF; CES-D m) | CF-PDI - Craniofacial Pain and Disability Inventory (versions: CF-PDI-11) CPG - Chronic Pain Grade Scale(versions: adapted CPG) CPI - Characteristic Pain Intensity CPQ - Child Perception Questionnaire (versions: CPQ 6-7; CPQ 8-10; CPQ 11-14; CPQ 11-14 Short) CPQ - Coping Pain Questionnaire CPSS - Chronic Pain Self-Efficacy Scale [also CPSES] CSI - Central Sensitization Inventory | CSQ - Coping Strategies Questionnaire (versions: CSQ-1; CSQ-2; CSQ-C; CSQ-R) DAS - Dental Anxiety Scale (versions: mDAS; DAS-5 - DAS 5 year; MCDAS - Modified Child DAS; MCDAS-SF; MCDAS with Faces) DASS - Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (Versions: DASS-42 and DASS-21) EPQ - Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (versions: EPQ-SV; EPQ-R) | EQ-5D-5L - euroQoL 5-dimension 5-level EQ-5D - EuroQoL-5 Dimensions (versions: EQ5D-VAS; Patient-Reported Health Score; EQ-5D-Pso - EQ-5D-Psoriasis) ESS - Epworth Sleepiness Scale FABQ - Fear-Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire | FAI - Fonseca Anamnestic Index FIA Index - Food Intake Ability Index Flanagan QOLS - Flanagan Quality of Life Scale (versions: QOLS-15; QOLS-16) FPS - Faces Pain Scale (versions: FPS-R; FPS-6; FPS-7; FPS-R; FPS-R; FPS-Smartphone) GAD - Generalised Anxiety Disorder (versions: GAD-7) GCPS - Graded Chronic Pain Scale GHAA Consumer Satisfaction Survey - Group Health Association of America Consumer Satisfaction Survey (versions: Modified version) GHQ - General Health Questionnaire (versions: original = GHQ-60; GHQ-7; GHQ-12; GHQ-20; GHQ-28; GHQW-30; GHQ-36) GOHAI - Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index/General OHAI Gracely Pain Scale HADS - Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale | HAQ - Health Assessment Questionnaire (versions:MHAQ - Modified HAQ; HAQ-II; HAQ-S - HAQ-spondyloarthropathies or HAQ-stiffness; HAQ-Skin; HAQ-pain; HAQ-DI) | Helkimo Anamnestic Dysfunction Index HIT - Headache Impact Test (ALSO: HIT-6 - short form of HIT) | IAQ - Irrational Attitudes Questionnaire IPQ - Illness Perceptions Questionnaire (versions: M-IPQ; IPQ-R; IPQ-R BCRL - IPQ-R-breast cancer-related lymphoedema; B-IPQ/BIPQ - Brief-IPQ; IPQ-Schizophrenia; BIPQ-P - BIPQ-Physician point of view; IPQ-RDE - IPQ Revised for Dental Use in Older/Elder Adults) ISI - Insomnia Severity Index (versions: PISI - Pediatric ISI) JDC - Jaw Disability Checklist JFLS - Jaw Function Limitations Scale (versions: JFLS-8; JFLS-20) JPF Questionnaire - Jaw Pain and Function Questionnaire LDF-TMDQ - Pain-Related Limitations of Daily Function in the Temporo Mandibulary Dysfunctions Questionnaire LES - Life Experiences Survey LOT - Life Orientation Test (versions: LOT-R; YLOT - Youth LOT) LSSI - Lipp’s Stress Symptoms Inventory for Adults MASA - Mann Assessment of Swallowing Ability MBSS - Miller Behavioral Style Scale MFI - Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory (versions: MFI-20; MFI-SF) MFIQ - Mandibular Function Impairment Questionnaire Millon Behavior Medicine Diagnostic survey MMPI - Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (versions: MMPI-2; MMPI-Adolescent; MMPI-PTSD) MOHRQoL - Michigan Oral Health-related Quality of Life Scale (versions: MOHRQoL-C) MOPDS - Manchester Orofacial Pain Disability Scale MPQ - McGill Pain Questionnaire (versions MPQ-SF; SF-MPQ; LF-MPQ; MPQ-VAS)
NDI - Neck Disability Index | NEO-FFI - NEO-Five Factor Inventory NRS - Numeric Rating Scale (versions: NRS-6; NRS-11; NRS-21; NRS-101; NPRS - NRS Pain) OBC - Oral Behaviors Checklist OHIP - Oral Health Impact Profile (versions: OHIP-49; OHIP-14; Modified OHIP-14; OHIP-20; OHIP-G - German; OHIP-G5; OHIP-G21; OHIP-OFP - OHIP-Oro Facial Pain; OHIP-EDENT - OHIP assessing edentulous) OHIP-TMD - Oral Health Impact Profile for Temporo-Mandibular Disorders (versions: OHIP-22TMD; OHIP-30TMD) OHQoL - Oral Health-related Quality of Life Measure (versions: OHQoL-UK) PBQ - Pain Behavior Questionnaire PCCL - Pain Coping and Cognition List PCL- PTSD Checklist (versions: PCL-C - Civilian Version; PTSD-M - Military Version; unspecified; PCL-5 - PCL for DSM-5) PCS - Pain Catastrophizing Scale (versions: PCS-Parent; PCS-Child; Postconcussion Catastrophizing Scale) | PDI - Pain Disability Index | Pennebaker Inventory of Limbic Languidness: The Kohn Reactivity Scale PHQ - Patient Health Questionnaire (versions: PHQ-2; PHQ-4; PHQ-8; PHQ-9; PHQ-9 short; aPHQ-9; PHQ-A; PHQ-22; PHQ-8; PHQ-15) POMS - Profile of Mood States (versions: POMS-11; POMS-14; POMS-37; POMS-65; Brief POMS; POMS-Adolescent; POMS-sf; revised POMS; POMS-F - POMS-fatigue; POMS-Bi - POMS-Bipolar) PRCS - Pain-Related Control Scale PRISM - Pictorial Representation of Illness and Self Measure (versions: PRISM-RII) ProTMDMulti PRS - Pain Resilience Scale PRSS - Pain-Related Self-Statements Scale PSFS - Patient-Specific Functional Scale | PSOCQ - Pain Stages of Change Questionnaire (versions: PSOCQ-A - PSOCQ-Adolescent; PSOCQ-P - PSOCQ-Parent) PSQI - Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index PSS - Perceived Stress Scale (versions: PSS-4; PSS-10; PSS-14; PSS Among People Livng with HIV or AIDS) RDC/TMD Axis II- Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders Axis II SAQ - Sleep Assessment Questionnaire SCL-90 - Symptom Checklist-90 (versions: SCL-92) Self-medication questionnaire SF-12 - 12-item Short Form Health Survey [alias: RAND-12] (versions: SF-12v2; VR-12 - Veterans SF-12; SF-12 MCS; SF-12 PCS) SF-36 - 36-item Short Form Health Survey [alias: RAND-36][alias: MOS SF-36]] (versions: VSF-36 LoA - Visual Version of the SF-36 Limitations of Physical Activities domain; VR-36 - Veterans SF-36) | | also see: SIQ - Symptom Interference Questionnaire (versions: SIQR - SIQ Revised) Social Support Scale SOC - Sense of Coherence Scale (versions: SOC-9; SOC-13; SOC-29; SOC-81) SOMS - Screening for Somatoform Symptoms (versions: SOMS-7; R-SOMS) SOPA - Survey of Pain Attitude (versions: SOPA-35) SPQ - Social Support and Pain Questionnaire SSI - Symptom Severity Index (versions: SSI-M) STAI - State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (versions: STAI-X - STAI Form X; STAI-Y - STAI Form Y; STAI sf; STAI-4; STAI-6) SWLS - Satisfaction With Life Scale THI - Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (versions: screening version; Short Form) TMD Pain Screening Instrument (versions: LV; SV) TMJ-S-QoL - TMJ-Surgical-Quality of Life TSK - Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia (versions: TSK-11; TSK-SF; TSK-13; TSK-14; TSK-Heart) | UPAT - Universal Pain Assessment Tool VAS - Visual Analogue Scale (versions: vertical; horizontal; 0-10; 0-100) VRS - Verbal Rating Scale WHO-5 - WHO-5 Well-Being Scale/Index (versions: WHO-10) WHOQOL-BREF - World Health Organization Quality of Life questionnaire–Abbreviated Questionnaire (versions: WHOQOL-HIV-BREF; WHOQOL-BREF dialysis) WHYMPI - West Haven-Yale Multidimensional Pain Inventory WPI - Widespread Pain Index Zerssen complaint list