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Evaluation instruments for executive functions in children and adolescents: an update of a systematic review
Cesari, A., Galeoto, G., Panuccio, F., Simeon, R., and Berardi, A.
INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study is to update a systematic review of instruments for evaluating the executive functions (EFs) in a pediatric population to assess their measurement properties. AREA COVERED: Studies describing evaluation tools of EFs were systematically searched on four electronic databases: PubMed, EBSCO, Scopus, and Web of Science. To be included studies had to be on a population aged 0 to 18 were included. The individuals were either healthy or presented a neurodevelopment disorder. Risk of Bias was evaluated through the Consensus-based Standards to select the health Measurement Instruments (COSMIN). EXPERT OPINION: The search was conducted on April 2023. Eighty-four papers met the inclusion criteria and were included in the study; the studies refer to 72 different evaluation tools of EFs. Most of the studies analyzed through a methodological quality analysis received an 'adequate' score. The instrument most mentioned was the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function-2 (BRIEF2) in seven articles.
Expert Rev Pharmacoecon Outcomes Res
Publication year:
Functional status:
Cognitive/mental functioning
Children (0-18)
Codes for special purposes Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities and related symptoms Diseases of and symptoms related to the nervous system Mental and behavioural disorders and related symptoms
PRO / non-PRO:
Non-patient Reported Outcome Patient Reported Outcome
Type of measurement instrument:
1 - Questionnaires 4 - Performance-based tests 6 - Clinical rating scales 7 - Observations
ABC - Aberrant Behavior Checklist (versions: ABC-2) | also see: ACCES - Adaptive Composite Complex Span ADHS-KJ-NPT - ADHS-Diagnostikum für Kinder und Jugendliche ADOS - Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (versions: ADOS-Toddler; ADOS-2) APRS - Academic Performance Rating Scale ARI - Affective Reactivity Index (versions: ARI-Self-report; parent report; youth report) ATEC - Activate Test of Embodied Cognition ATEM - Adaptive Test of Emotion Knowledge (versions: ATEM 3-9) AWMA - Pearson’s Automated Working Memory Assessment (versions: Listening Recall Task; Spatial Recall Task) BADS - Behavioural Assessment of the Dysexecutive Syndrome (versions: BADS-C) BASC - Behavior Assessment Scale/System for Children (versions: BASC-1; BASC-2; BASC-3; BASC‐SRP - BASC-Self‐Report of Personality; BASC-TRS = BASC-Teacher Rating Scale) BCAS - Barkley Child Attention Scale BDEFS - Barkley Deficits in Executive Functioning Scale (versions: BDEFS-CA - BDEFS-Children and Adolescents) BENCI - Battery for Neuropsychological Evaluation of Children BMT-i - Batterie Modulable de Tests informatisée (computerized Adaptable Test Battery) BPI - Berkeley puppet interview BRIEF - Behaviour Rating Inventory of Executive Function (versions: BRIEF-Adult; BRIEF-C; BRIEF-SR; BRIEF-2; BRIEF-parent; BRIEF-teachers; BRIEF-personal; BRIEF-preschool) C3S - scales of the Conners 3 Short CAMM - Child and Adolescence Mindful Measure CANUM - a new numerical and manual version of the Stroop interference task CbeMO - Child Behaviour Motivation Scale CBRS - Child Behavior Rating Scale (Modified) CCT - Children’s Cooking Task CEFI - Comprehensive Executive Function Inventory CHECK - Child Evaluation Checklist CHEXI - Childhood Executive Functioning Inventory CUFE - Executive Function Questionnaire DCDQ - Developmental Coordination Disorder Questionnaire (versions: DCDdaily; DCDdaily-Q; DCDQ-07; littleDCDQ) D-KEFS - Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System (versions: D-KEFS - Design Fluency Test) EC - Early Childhood ÉCSE - Échelle de Compréhension Sociale des Enfants EEFQ - Early Executive Functions Questionnaire EF-C© - Jansari assessment of Executive Functions for Children EFCT - Executive Function Challenge Task EFECO - Cuestionario de Evaluación de las Funciones Ejecutivas a través de la Observación de la Conducta (Executive Functioning Questionnaire) (versions: short form) EFE - Escala de Funcionamiento Ejecutivo EFICA - Executive Function Inventory for Children and Adolescents (versions: parent- teacher) EF-SR - Executive Functioning Self-Report ELOM - Early Learning Outcomes Measure ENFEN - Neuropsychological Assessment of Executive Functions (Spanish acronym) EPYFEI - Evaluación del Procesamiento sensorial y funcionamiento ejecutivo en la infancia (Assessment of Sensory Processing and Executive Function in Childhood) FREE - Flexible Regulation of Emotional Expression FRTVMI - Full Range Test of Visual Motor Integration GRS-P - Gifted Rating Scales-Preschool/Kindergarten Form GTQ - Generalized Tracking Questionnaire ICSEC - Inventory of Children’s SocioEmotional Competence ICTI - Integrative Child Temperament Questionnaire ICU - Inventory of Callous-Unemotional Traits K-CPT - Conners’ Kiddie Continuous Performance Test KTA - Kitchen Task Assessment (versions: CKTA) KTEA-2/3 - Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement Lion Game Lucid Recall Monkey game NIH-TCB - NIH Toolbox Cognitive Battery (subtest NIH-TCB - List Sorting Working Memory Test; NIH-CB) OMM - Observation of Mindfulness Measure (C-OMM - Child-OMM) PBS - Parental Behavioural Skill PedsQL-GM - Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory Generic Module (versions: PedsQL-GM-e-version) PICCOLO - Parenting Interactions with Children: Checklist of Observations Linked to Outcomes POS - Play Observed Behaviors Scale PPFQ - Parent Psychological Flexibility Questionnaire PROMIS - Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System | PTS - Parental Teaching Skill QUVA-p - Questionario di Valutazione dell’Autoregolazione SENA - Sistema de Evaluación de Niños y Adolescentes SeVAT - Selective Visual Attention Test SMFCS-ASD - Social Motor Function Classification System for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders SOCIAL - SOcio-Cognitive Integration of Abilities modeL SPSRC - Sensory Processing and Self-Regulation Checklist TAFE - Teste de Avaliação das Funções Executivas Temple Sorting Task TEXI - Teenage Executive Functioning Inventory ToH - Tower of Hanoi puzzle TSI - Thinking Skills Inventory UTATE - Utrecht Tasks of Attention in Toddlers using Eye tracking WCPA - Weekly Calendar Planning Activity Webexec WISC - Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (versions: WISC-III; WISC-IV; WISC-V; WISC-R) WMPT - Working Memory Power Test WMRS - Working Memory Rating Scale (versions: 20 items; 5 items)