Assessment of effort in children: a systematic review
- Authors:
- DeRight, J. and Carone, D. A.
- Abstract:
- The assessment of response validity is now considered an important and necessary component of neuropsychological evaluations. One way for assessing response validity is with performance validity tests (PVTs), which measure the degree of effort applied to testing to achieve optimal performance. Numerous studies have shown that normal and neurologically impaired children are capable of passing certain free-standing PVTs using adult cutoffs. Despite this, PVT use appears to be more common in adults compared to children. The overall purpose of this systematic review is to provide the reader with a general overview of the existing literature on PVTs in children. As part of this review, goals are to inform the reader why PVT use is not as prevalent in children compared to adults, to discuss why PVTs and related methods are important in pediatric cognitive evaluations, and to discuss practical limitations and future directions.
- DOI:
- 10.1080/09297049.2013.864383
- URL:
- Journal:
- Child Neuropsychol
- issn:
- 1744-4136 (Electronic)
- Publication year:
- 2015
- pages:
- 1-24
- Symptom status:
- Physical state
- Functional status:
- Cognitive/mental functioning
- Age:
- Children (0-18)
- Disease:
- Codes for special purposes
Diseases of and symptoms related to the nervous system - PRO / non-PRO:
- Non-patient Reported Outcome
- Type of measurement instrument:
- 6 - Clinical rating scales
- Instrument:
- ASTM - Amsterdam Short Term Memory Test
CARB - Computerized Assessment of Response Bias
CVLT - California Verbal Learning Test (versions: CVLT-C; CVLT-II edition; CVLT-I - Intrusions)
DCT - Dot Counting Test
FIT - Rey Fifteen-Item Test
MSVT - Medical Symptom Validity Test
NMSVT - Nonverbal Medical Symptom Validity Test
Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices
RDS - Reliable Digit Span
SVS - Symptom Validity Scale
TOMM - Test of Memory Malingering
VOC-DS - Vocabulary subtest minus digit-span subtest
VSVT - Victoria Symptom Validity Test
WCMT - Word Completion Memory Test
WMT - Word Memory Test