Walking measures to evaluate assistive technology for foot drop in multiple sclerosis: A systematic review of psychometric properties
- Authors:
- Andreopoulou, G., Mercer, T. H., and van der Linden, M. L.
- Abstract:
- BACKGROUND: Foot drop in people with multiple sclerosis (pwMS) often managed with assistive technologies, such as functional electrical stimulation and ankle foot orthoses. No evidence synthesis exists for the psychometric properties of outcomes used to evaluate the efficacy of these interventions.
OBJECTIVE: This systematic review aimed to identify the outcome measures reported to assess the benefits of assistive technology for pwMS and then synthesize the psychometric evidence in pwMS for a subset of these measures.
METHODS: Two searches in eight databases were conducted up to May 2017. Methodological quality was rated using the COSMIN guidelines. Overall level of evidence was scored according to the Cochrane criteria.
RESULTS: The first search identified 27 measures, with the 10m walk test, gait kinematics and Physiological Cost Index (PCI) most frequently used. The second search resulted in 41 studies evaluating 10 measures related to walking performance. Strong levels of evidence were found for the internal consistency and test-retest reliability of the Multiple Sclerosis Walking Scale-12 and for the construct validity for Timed 25 Foot Walk. No psychometric studies were identified for gait kinematics and PCI in pwMS. There was a lack of evidence for measurement error and responsiveness.
CONCLUSION: Although a strong level of evidence exists for some measures included in this review, there was an absence of psychometric studies on commonly used measures such as gait kinematics. Future psychometric studies should evaluate a wider range of walking related measures used to assess the efficacy of interventions to treat foot drop in pwMS. - DOI:
- 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2017.12.021
- URL:
- http://www.gaitposture.com/article/S0966-6362(17)31050-0/pdf
- Journal:
- Gait Posture
- issn:
- 0966-6362
- Publication year:
- 2017
- pages:
- 55-66
- Symptom status:
- Physical state
- Functional status:
- Physical functioning
- General health perceptions / HRQoL:
- Health-related quality of life
Self-rated health - Age:
- Adults (18-65)
- Disease:
- Diseases of and symptoms related to the nervous system
- PRO / non-PRO:
- Non-patient Reported Outcome
Patient Reported Outcome - Type of measurement instrument:
- 1 - Questionnaires
4 - Performance-based tests
6 - Clinical rating scales
7 - Observations - Instrument:
- 10MWT - 10 Meter Walk Test (versions: 10MWT under single- and dual-task condition)
2MWT - 2 Minute Walk Test (versions: 2MWT modified; Smartphone-Based Self-Administered 2MWT)
3MWT - 3 min Walk Test
4MinWT - 4 Minute Walk Test
6MWT - 6 Minute Walk Test (versions: 6MWT app; 6MWT Lite app; M6MWT - Modified 6MWT; 6mWTPC - 6MWT on parquet and carpet)|
| also see: database.cosmin.nl
COPM - Canadian Occupational Performance Measure|
CSRT - choice stepping reaction time
ECW - Energy Cost of Walking
EFAP - Emory Functional Ambulation Profile (versions: mEFAP)
EMG - electromyography
FSS - Fatigue Severity Scale (versions: FSS-7 - 7-item version and FSS-5 - 5-item version)
HAI - Hauser Ambulation Index
MSFC - Multiple Sclerosis Functional Composite;
MSIS-29 - Multiple Sclerosis Impact Scale|
MSWS-12 - Multiple Sclerosis Walking Scale-12
NHPT - Nine-Hole Peg Test|
O2 uptake - Oxygen uptake
PASAT - Paced Auditory Serial Additions Test
PCI - Physiological Cost Index
PIADS - Psychosocial Impact of Assistive Devices Scale
ROGA - Rivermead Observational Gait Analysis
RPE 6-20 - Ratings of Perceived Excertion on a 6-20 scale (Peripheral RPE; Overall RPE; Central RPE)
SF-36 - 36-item Short Form Health Survey [alias: RAND-36][alias: MOS SF-36]] (versions: VSF-36 LoA - Visual Version of the SF-36 Limitations of Physical Activities domain; VR-36 - Veterans SF-36)|
| also see: database.cosmin.nl
Spatiotemporal gait parameters (versions: Dual task gait)
Standing Balance Grade
T25FW - Timed 25 Foot Walk;