Cognitive assessment: A challenge for occupational therapists in Brazil
- Authors:
- Conti, J.
- Abstract:
- Cognitive impairment is a common dysfunction after neurological injury. Cognitive assessment tools can help the therapist understand how impairments are affecting functional status and quality of life. Objective: The aim of the study was to identify instruments for cognitive assessment that Occupational Therapists (OT) can use in clinical practice. Methods: The instruments published in English and Portuguese between 1999 and 2016 were systematically reviewed. Results: The search identified 17 specific instruments for OT not validated in Brazilian Portuguese, 10 non-specific instruments for OT not validated in Brazilian Portuguese, and 25 instruments validated for Portuguese, only one of which was specific for OT (Lowenstein Occupational Therapy Cognitive Assessment). Conclusion: There are few assessment cognitive tools validated for use in the Brazilian culture and language. The majority of the instruments appear not to be validated for use by OT in clinical practice.
- DOI:
- 10.1590/1980-57642016dn11-020004
- URL:
- Journal:
- Dement Neuropsychol
- issn:
- 1980-5764 (Print)
- Publication year:
- 2017
- pages:
- 121-128
- Symptom status:
- Cognitive/mental state
- Age:
- Adults (18-65)
Seniors (65+) - Disease:
- Diseases of and symptoms related to the nervous system
- PRO / non-PRO:
- Non-patient Reported Outcome
Patient Reported Outcome - Type of measurement instrument:
- 1 - Questionnaires
4 - Performance-based tests
6 - Clinical rating scales
7 - Observations - Instrument:
- ACE - Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination (versions: ACE-R - ACE-Revised)
ADAS - Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale (versions: ADAS-cog; ADAS-Noncog; VCB-ADAS)
ADL Profile - Activities of Daily Living Profile
AMPS - Assessment of Motor and Process Skills |
A-ONE - Arnadóttir OT-ADL Neurobehavioral Evaluation (ADL-focused Occupation-based Neurobehavioral Evaluation)
Benton Visual Recognition Test
BIT - Behavioral Inattention Test (verions: BITB - BIT behavioral subtest; RBIT - Rivermead BIT)
Brief Cognitive Screening Battery
CAMCOG - Cambridge Cognitive Examination (versions: CAMCOG-R; CAMCOG-CAT)
CAM - Cognitive Assessment of Minnesota
Cancellation task
CASI - Cognitive Abilities Screening Instrument (versions: CASI-sf)
CCT - Cognitive Competency Test
CDT - Clock Drawing Test/Task
CMT - Contextual Memory Test (versions: CMT-CHildren version 1)
COTNAB - Chessington OT Neurological Assessment Battery
CPT - Cognitive Performance Test (versions: CPT-s)
CT - Cooking Task
CTPA - Complex Task Performance Assessment
DAFS - Direct Assessment of Functional Status (versions: DAFS-R; DAFS-m)
DS test - Digit Span test (versions: Visual aural DS test; FDS - Forward DS test; BDS - Backward DS)
EFPT - Executive Function Performance Test (versions: aEFPT - alternate EFPT)
EXIT 25 - Executive Interview
FAB - Frontal Assessment Battery
FAM - Functional Assessment Measure
FIM - Functional Independence Measure (versions: FIMm; FIM observation; FIM phone; Motor FIM; SV Motor FIM)
Fuld Object Memory Evaluation
ILS - Independent Living Scales
IQCODE - Informant Questionnaire on Cognitive Decline in the Elderly (versions: IQCODE-sf) |
LOTCA - Lowestein Occupational Therapy Cognitive Assessment (versions: FLOTCA - Functional LOTCA; LOTCA-Geriatric)
MEAMS - Middlesex Elderly Assessment of Mental State
MET - Multiple Errands Test (versions: VMET - Virtual MET; BMET - Baycrest MET; MET-SV - MET-Simpified Version; MET-HV - MET-Hospital V; MET-R; OxMET - Oxford digital MET; MET-HOME)
MMSE - Mini-Mental State Examination (versions: MMSE-illiterate; telephone MMSE; VCB-MMSE - Videoconference-based-MMSE; MMSE-2; Modified MMSE)
MOCA - Montreal Cognitive Assessment (versions: MOCA-B - MOCA-Basic; T-MOCA - Telephone MOCA; T-MOCA-Short)
MVPT - Motor-free Visual Perceptual Test (versions 1 and 2)
NAT - Naturalistic Action Test
Ontario Society of Occupational Therapist Perceptual Assessment
RPAB - Rivermead Perceptual Assessment Battery
SIB - Severe Impairment Battery
Spatial Delayed Recognition Span Task
TEA - Test of Everyday Attention
TT - Token Test (versions: TT-R; TT-C)
VAP-S - Virtual Action Planning-Supermarket
Verbal Fluency (tasks)
VOSP - Visual Object Space Perceptual Battery
Westmead Post Traumatic Amnesia Scale
WHIM - Wessex Head Injury Matrix