Measurement of function in older adults transitioning from hospital to home: an integrative review
- Authors:
- Liebzeit, D., King, B., and Bratzke, L.
- Abstract:
- Older adults often experience decline in functional status during the transition from hospital to home. In order to determine the effectiveness of interventions to prevent functional decline, researchers must have instruments that are reliable and valid for use with older adults. The purpose of this integrative review is to: (1) summarize the research uses and methods of administering functional status instruments when investigating older adults transitioning from hospital to home, (2) examine the development and existing psychometric testing of the instruments, and (3) discuss gaps and implications for future research. The authors conducted an integrative review of forty research studies that assessed functional status in older adults transitioning from hospital to home. This review reveals important gaps in the functional status instruments' psychometric testing, including limited testing to support their validity and reliability when administered by self-report and limited evidence supporting their ability to detect change over time.
- DOI:
- 10.1016/j.gerinurse.2017.11.003
- URL:
- Journal:
- Geriatr Nurs
- issn:
- 0197-4572
- Publication year:
- 2017
- pages:
- Functional status:
- Physical functioning
Role functioning - Age:
- Seniors (65+)
- Disease:
- Codes for special purposes
Factors influencing health status and contact with health services - PRO / non-PRO:
- Non-patient Reported Outcome
Patient Reported Outcome - Type of measurement instrument:
- 1 - Questionnaires
7 - Observations - Instrument:
- ADL Summary Scale
BI - Barthel Index (versions: MBI - modified BI; Extended BI with Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients; iv-BI - Dutch interview version)
Katz ADL - Katz’ Index Of Independence In Activities Of Daily Living (versions: KATZ-1; KATZ-2; other modifications) |
Lawton IADL - Lawton Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Scale (versions: Modified Lawton)