Leentjens, A. F., Dujardin, K., Marsh, L., Martinez-Martin, P., Richard, I. H., Starkstein, S. E., Weintraub, D., Sampaio, C., Poewe, W., Rascol, O., Stebbins, G. T., and Goetz, C. G.
Anderson, K., Aito, S., Atkins, M., Biering-Sorensen, F., Charlifue, S., Curt, A., Ditunno, J., Glass, C., Marino, R., Marshall, R., Mulcahey, M. J., Post, M., Savic, G., Scivoletto, G., Catz, A., and Functional Recovery Outcome Measures Work, Group
Wells, G. A., Li, T., Kirwan, J. R., Peterson, J., Aletaha, D., Boers, M., Bresnihan, B., Dougados, M., Idzerda, L., Nicklin, J., Suarez-Almazor, M., Welch, V., and Tugwell, P. S.
Holly, L. T., Matz, P. G., Anderson, P. A., Groff, M. W., Heary, R. F., Kaiser, M. G., Mummaneni, P. V., Ryken, T. C., Choudhri, T. F., Vresilovic, E. J., Resnick, D. K., Joint Section on Disorders of the, Spine, Peripheral Nerves of the American Association of Neurological, Surgeons, and Congress of Neurological, Surgeons
American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, Brain Injury-Interdisciplinary Special Interest Group Disorders of Consciousness Task Force, Seel, R. T., Sherer, M., Whyte, J., Katz, D. I., Giacino, J. T., Rosenbaum, A. M., Hammond, F. M., Kalmar, K., Pape, T. L., Zafonte, R., Biester, R. C., Kaelin, D., Kean, J., and Zasler, N.